Wednesday 6 November at 4:00 pm Walk for the art benches in Salerno, starting from via Porta Catena, headquarters of the Auser Salerno Centro association, passing through Via dei Mercanti and other surprise stops, you will arrive at the Masuccio Salernitano marina, on the Irno river and at the train station.
Benches are places of sociality and art, there are many to be enhanced in Salerno. Among painted benches, doors, fountains, murals you will discover how urban art is a common good for everyone.
The walk is organized by the Environment and Territory Network of Cittadinanzattiva Campania and by Auser starting from an idea by Mariella Petrone for Cammina Salerno. The walk with a free contribution from participants will take place with a minimum of 10 people and a maximum of 30. The walk will be led by the tourist guide Maria Settembre.
In case of rain it will be updated in December.
Info and reservations Mariella Petrone cel. 3283055379
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