Los Lunes Al Sol, De Fernando León De Aranoa E Ignacio Del Moral
Las Palmas
Fri 24 Jan, 19:30
Culture Theater

Teatro Cuyas
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“Mondays in the Sun” shows us in a realistic and moving way the daily struggles, frustration and hopelessness we encounter when trying to find work in a competitive and constantly changing job market. How the lack of opportunities and social pressure affect personal relationships, self-esteem and hope for a better future.

“Mondays in the Sun” is a powerful reflection on how economic circumstances can shape identity and human relationships. Through its sincere narrative, it raises questions about social justice and the contemporary labor system, inviting us to reflect on the inequalities in our society.

In a society based, increasingly, not only on success, but above all on the way in which that success becomes a form of identity, our social networks are full of examples. I wonder what happens to those people who have been left behind. Those men and women who, due to various circumstances, have been excluded from that showcase that is our system of life.
Santa, José, Lino, Ana or Amador could be anyone. At any moment, that illusory safety net that we believe exists and supports us can disappear under our feet, letting us fall. And if it happens, will we be able to continue knowing who we are? How to maintain dignity, how to move forward? How do you resist when you feel that you have lost the war?
“Mondays in the Sun” offers us hope, a line on the horizon to help us keep walking. At least win a battle, however small, to show, to prove to yourself that you still exist.
But this work also tells us that no battle, no war, can be won alone. We are someone to the extent that another person recognizes us. It is others, colleagues, friends, neighbors, family who can give us a reflection in which we can look at ourselves without fear, without shame and with our heads held high. In a world that tends, more and more, to individuality, “Mondays in the Sun” reminds us that we must look at ourselves again, to recognize ourselves, to support each other, that only together can we get the boat out of the sand
And sail again towards any horizon.
Javier Hernández-Simón

PRICE: 23/20/15/12€
Discounted show

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