“Proyecto Son” is a new musical group created in the summer of 2023 with a musical proposal that covers a wide spectrum of traditional Cuban music, from “Son” to “Bolero”, as well as “Bachata” or “Salsa”.
They make a broad musical journey through outstanding songs by renowned artists such as Polo Montañez, Company Segundo, Celina González, Tony Ávila, Aymee nuviola, Yuniel Jiménez and other great performers of popular music, mostly Cuban, and adding to their musical repertoire songs from the rich Spanish pop-rock songbook, including songs by Fito, Rosario or Melendi among others.
Artists that make up the group:
Percussion: Oscar Rodriguez
Tres Cubano: Arjady Lopez
Guitar: Roy Lorenzo
Lead Vocals: Sandra Sanchez
Tickets (Limited Seating):
Advance Ticket: €8 (Available until 8:00 p.m.)
Ticket at Box Office: €10 (Available from 6:00 p.m.)
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Based on the original web page.